People are going to say shit about your product...
Your service...
Your goals...
Or your life…
…that come from a place of jealousy, misunderstanding, projection and sometimes actual hate.
Don't listen to it.
Other people are going to say shit about your product...
Your service...
Your goals...
Or your life…
…that is intended to help you improve.
Listen to it.
Being able to tell the difference between hate and constructive criticism is one of the most important skills you can possess in life.
Most people will look at all criticism as if somebody is treating them poorly or being a dick...
The truth is, most of the time these people are just trying to help you improve.
If you are not open-minded...
...and perceptive enough to tell the difference between someone who is offering you help and someone who is dishing hate...
You will never win in life.