Stop Giving Power To This…

December 05, 2023 1 min read

Andy Frisella talking to someone

If you want to accomplish anything of real significance in life...

You have to stop negotiating with your bitch voice.

We all have this voice...

...and it lives inside of our head and talks us out of doing the shit we know we need to do to become great.

It tells us to cut corners...

It tells us to compromise...

It tells us to take it easy...

It tells us to quit...

...and the truth is...

I spent most of my life giving in to this voice ... which cost me a lot of progress.

Your bitch voice will single-handedly destroy your life...

But only if you give it power.

Understand that you are in control of how you respond to this voice.

Imagine what your life would look like if every single time you heard this voice...

You used it as a trigger to take immediate action and execute at a high level.

This is a skill you must master if you want to win.

When you control your bitch voice...

You can control the outcome.

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