"Loving yourself" is not an excuse to be a lazy piece of shit.
It's also not an excuse to embrace your shortcomings or bad habits because it's "who you are.”
Not being proud of certain aspects of yourself and your life is completely normal.
While you shouldn't necessarily beat yourself up over these things...
You shouldn't lie about them either.
Building yourself into someone you can be proud of takes time and effort.
A lot of it.
Don't feel bad because other people seem to have this figured out.
Trust me ... they don't.
Most of them are just pretending to feel how they're told they should feel.
...and because they're unwilling to have the difficult conversations with themselves about where they need to improve...
They will be a fraction of what they could have been.
This will cause massive and unnecessary suffering in life.
Start putting in the work to become someone you're truly proud of...
That's what it actually means to love yourself.