Playing The Long Game Pays Off

January 05, 2021 1 min read

Andy walking through office 

When you're first starting your journey as an entrepreneur…

Or your journey in pursuing success...

Understand that it's going to take time.

Despite what some people may tell you...

You aren't going to get there in 6 months...

A year...

Or even 5 years.

If you have huge ambitions...

You probably won't even be at your end goal in 10, 15, or 20 years either.

You're not going to strike gold with your short-term efforts.

It just doesn’t happen.

People can tell you it does...

But that’s bullshit.

The truth is...

Even if there was a way to cheat yourself out of the long and hard road...

And magically get the money and success you're looking for...

You'll lose it quickly.

Because by skipping the journey, you won't get the experience...

The lessons...

The story...

The respect...

Or the skills to sustain it.

If you truly want your visions to come to life...

You have to accept the fact that it’s a lifelong journey.

My simple advice is this…

Be in it for the long run...

And have fun playing the game.

When you really buy into that concept…

You will understand that 5-10 years is NOT a long time in the grand scheme of things.

But, I promise you this...

If you choose to play the long game...

And attack your goals every day for the next 10 years…

You'll get much further than you'd ever imagine was possible.

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