People Pleasers Will Never Win

April 16, 2021 1 min read

Andy hugging a friend

Not everyone is going to like you...

So what?

It doesn't matter if we're talking about business, politics, your personal brand, or just life in general...

The REAL YOU is not going to be for everybody.

No matter what you say...

What you do...

Or what you stand for...

There will always be people who don't approve...

But the quickest way to become irrelevant in business and in life is to try catering to everyone.

It's stale...

It's average...

It's boring.

People pleasers will never win.

They will never carve out a die-hard following...

A culture...

Or a community. 

Listen to me when I say it is much better to have 50% of people who LOVE you … and the 50% of people who HATE you...

Than it is to have 100% of people that don't have an opinion about you.

If we're talking about building an influential brand...

You need to understand this...

People want to identify with something...

People want to belong to something...

If your messaging is watered down because you're trying to appeal to everyone...

Then what makes you special or polarizing?


The same thing goes for who you are...

Have some passion...

Have some belief...

Stand for something...

and the right people will love you for it.

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