One Step at a Time

November 05, 2023 1 min read

Andy Frisella walking

Quit overcomplicating the process of reaching your goals.

Far too many of you spend all of your time looking at the big picture and wondering how the fuck you're going to get there...

But no matter what your goals are...

A better career...

A better relationship...

A better house...

A better life...

All goals are accomplished the same way...


Instead of paralyzing yourself from taking action by focusing on the end result...

Take the time to break your goals down into small, daily steps...

...then execute.

One step at a time...

One day at a time.

You may think that reaching massive goals in life requires massive action...

That is false.

Your biggest goals will only be achieved as a result of the small, compounding daily actions.

Never underestimate the power of putting one foot in front of the other.

While it may just start as one step forward...

One step quickly becomes two...

Then three...

Then four...

...and before you know it...

You'll be thousands of steps closer to your goals.

This is the only way I’ve ever seen anyone build anything from the ground up.


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