Fear is a cycle, and it's a cycle that can only be broken by action.
Fear leads to inaction.
Inaction leads to doubt.
Doubt leads to fear.
Most people hold themselves hostage to an average existence because of their inability to break this cycle.
They fear the unknown.
They fear the "what if?”
They fear what others may think or say.
...and these fears are exactly what paralyzes them from going out and becoming, doing or creating something amazing.
If you are ever going to break yourself free from this cycle...
Learn to use fear as a trigger to take immediate and aggressive action forward.
Because the more action you take...
The less doubt and fear you'll experience.
Never let fear stand in your way.
We all have an expiration date.
...and when your time has finally come...
You don't want your last thoughts to be "I could’ve been great. I could’ve lived an amazing life, but I was too scared to try.”
Refusal to overcome these fears will be your biggest regret in life.
Fuck everyone else’s thoughts & expectations for you.
What are your own?