Quit buying into the myth that money changes you.
This is a justification used by people without money to position themselves as morally superior for not pursuing higher levels of achievement.
They're full of shit.
I've never seen money change anybody.
It's not some magic potion that transforms you into someone or something you're not.
It can't.
Money is inanimate.
It is neither good nor bad.
It's simply a tool that amplifies the person who is already there.
Those who are generous when they have $100 in their name are equally as generous when they have $100 million in their name.
Those who are shitty when they have $100 in their name are equally as shitty when they have $100 million in their name.
Have you ever considered how much more good you could do with the money necessary to make a real impact?
Who you are on a small stage is exactly who you'll be on a much bigger stage.
That's the truth.