There is no secret club of successful people that will give you a seat at their table and grant you the ability to be or become successful.
For a long time...
I thought this is how it worked.
I was wrong.
Here's the reality of how it works...
If you're really fucking good at what you do...
...and you become highly skilled at what you do...
A seat at the table will open up for you.
If you aren't good at what you do and you lack the necessary skills...
There will not be a seat at the table for you.
There are 0 exceptions to this rule.
Your opportunities are earned.
Your success is earned.
Your seat is earned.
...and they are all earned by becoming so fucking good at whatever it is you do that you cannot be denied.
Focus on building yourself into that person.
The sooner you do...
The sooner a seat will be available for you.