Choose Your Circle Wisely

September 12, 2023 1 min read

Andy Frisella talking on a stage

Stay away from complainers.

Stay away from professional victims.

Stay away from people who dwell on and glorify the past.

Stay away from people without goals.

Stay away from people who constantly talk about "what they deserve."

Stay away from people who gossip.

Stay away from people who constantly swirl in drama.

Stay away from people who constantly bring you gossip and drama under the veil of "being a good friend."

Do whatever you have to do to separate yourself from these people.

They will destroy everything and make you miserable.

Truth is ... most people suck.

That's why you must be extremely intentional in regard to who you let in your circle … and be ultra particular about the type of people you seek out as friends.

If you don't want to be more like them in some aspect of your life...

They don't belong in your life.


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